News & Reviews
The Official Opening
in Latest News Articles on Oct 01, 2011 .
Don Simms one of the Authors' of the Skyhawks book on Saturday 1 October attended the opening of the Ashburton Aviation Museum Super Hangar.
The Minister of Defence Dr Mapp handed the keys to Skyhawk NZ6204 to the Ashburton Trust Chairman Alister Lilley.
Don was able to present to the project Chairman Owen Moore a copy of...
BOOK LAUNCH "Australians at War in New Zealand"
in Latest News Articles on Sep 30, 2011 .
The prologue and early chapters set out the background to the conflict and the context and pretext of Australian involvement (1860-1863). It traces the early response to the urgent military need and the force build up period.
What emerges is a fascinating insight into two young nations eager to prove...
USS Enterprise
in Latest News Articles on Jul 20, 2014 .
David McKay has done a marvelous job in writing this book. It is recommended to anybody who studies naval history. I have read books on the aforementioned subject for over 50 years, but I have never found such a well-done book as that done by Mr. McKay. To be honest, I can find nothing wrong with the book.
Reviewed by Samuel Loring Morison, a former naval officer, writer and naval...
Kiwi Under Fire Launch
in Latest News Articles on Jul 26, 2014 .
What price would you put on your life? Bringing the war in Iraq home to New Zealand, this book is the captivating true story of New Zealander Gary Brandon who worked for a private company as a mercenary in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Growing up thirsty for adrenalin, this story shadows Gary through the experiences that have made his life extraordinary – losing his mother, at age four, through a fatal sky diving incident; his subsequent...
Breakout: Minqar Qaim, North Africa, 1942
in Latest News Articles on Jul 28, 2014 .
Veterans of the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force, National President of the Royal New Zealand Returned Services Association, John Campbell, Deputy Chief of Army, Brigadier Barry Vryenhoek, Bob Anderson, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the invitation to launch, Breakout: Minqar Qaim, North Africa, 1942 by Colin...